Monday, August 11, 2008

Toro, Toro, Toro!!!

I was a guest aboard Jack Kent's boat this past Saturday, on a mission to put some tuna in the boat. We met in Duxbury at 0400 and mark, The Kid, Jack and myself headed out to make bait for an hour or so. We had no problem loading the livewell with live pogies and headed east as the sun was peaking over the horizon. Before we even got to the Bank we began seeing lots of life. Whales and shearwaters, gannets and terns were everywhere. The birds were sitting in huge rafts and it was apparent something was pushing bait up toward the surface under the birds. Some of the bird piles definitely had wales working under them but others appeared to have tuna pushing the bait. We picked the piles that did not have whales in them and set our first pogie over the side at 0640. By 0645 we had our first hook up. The fish was big and crashed the pogie hard. Unfortunately the fish did not get the hook and we lost it after it ripped a bunch of line. Next, we set out two pogies on another bird pile and again within minutes we were tight. This time however both pogies got hit. Mark and The Kid worked the rods and we landed our first double.

By 0745 we were done. We continued fishing until 1 pm without another sniff.

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